Four Pamunugama YMCA representatives visited Horowpothana on 01
February, 2015 to meet with the Life Agriculture Project Members. There are 25
families involved with this project.
Responding to a request made by the project members Pamunugama YMCA
arranged a distribution of stationeries for the school children of these 25
families during this visit. Each family received a set of books valued around Rs 1,000/=.
Then YMCA representatives had a shat about future project activities
and visited home gardens and the destroyed paddy fields belong to these 25
families due to heavy floods during the end of 2014. Among all financial
difficulties, the project members hosted a wonderful village lunch for the YMCA
representatives and appreciated the effort of the YMCA for keeping the promise
by arranging stationeries.
Distribution of stationeries |
Home Gardens |
Home Gardens |
Destroyed Paddy fields belong to project members |
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