Drama Workshop - New Drama Group formed
25 children from the Children's Club, Girl Guides Group and the Scout Group attended a drama workshop held in the YMCA on 26 October, 2014.
Workshop was organized by the YMCA of Pamunugama with an objective of forming a new drama group. Workshop was conducted by Weranga Mendis who is a street drama artist from one of the popular street drama groups in the country. Weranga was supported by Pamunugama youth (NIrmala & Sudeepi) and Sudesh Mendis from Moratuwa.
Workshop was held through out the day and the children were trained through practical sessions and at the end the group was formed where they will have regular trainings in future.
Programme Calendar
- 27 October, 2015 - Reading Camp at Peralanda
- 24 October, 2015 - Rover Phase 01 Training
- 15 October, 2015 - Pre-School Fair
- 04 October, 2015 - Children's Day
- 19 September, 2015 - Ape Sindu Patiya Fund Raising Event
- 12 September, 2015 - Day Camp at Colombo YMCA
- 24-26 August, 2015 - Scout Camp at Riverstan
- 31 July, 2015 - Prefects Training Workshop
- 31 July, 2015 - Pre-School Exhibition
- 27 June, 2015 - Pre-school Trip
Pamunugama YMCA at its initial stage used to stage dramas on people's issues. Hope there will be a revival of that good practice. All the best YMCA children !