We all fly in the same sky! That is the theme of a Kite Festival organised by the YMCA of Pamunugama, one of the YMCAs scattered throughout the Island.
The objective behind this festival was to give an opportunity to the children of Sinhala and Tamil communities of different faiths (Budhist – Hindu – Christian – Mislim) to meet and work and enjoy together. The children who were born and grew up in a country tormented by terrorism and war knew only hatred and they very much needed to understand the beauties of humanity.
The festival was held in Kalmunai with the assistance of the YMCA of Kalmunai on 8 August 2010 (Sunday). The children from Pamunugama, Negombo, Moratuwa and Hendala travelled to the Eastern coast on 7 August (Saturday) where they were joined by the children of Valachchenai, Kalmunai, Thuraineelavanai, Kallar and Mandur. It was a great experience for all the children as they stayed in the same place; dined and lodged together; more than that they made their kites together, learning from each other and helping each other. By noon on Sunday there were about 75 kites of different sizes and colours ready to fly at the festival.
Sunday afternoon the people in the Main Street of Kalmunai, where the YMCAs is situated were thrilled to see a procession of children full of joy and enthusiasm going through the streets with beautiful kites. The colourful procession gathered at the Kalmunai beach with a welcome wind and full of people of all walks of life. A tent has been erected for the purpose and music was dancing to the tune of waves rolling down the Kalmunai sea shore. The evening breeze of the Kalmunai beach sent the kites to the heavens up in the sky which depicted the theme of the festival “We all fly in the same sky”. The people gathered witnessed a colourful sky during the festival; it was like a flower garden decorating the blue heavens.
Shelton Peiris
President - YMCA of Pamunugama
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