Sunday, March 24, 2024

50th Anniversary Youth Christian Mission Camp - 2024

The YMCA of Pamunugama celebrated its 50th Anniversary with the "Walking with Jesus" Youth Christian Mission Camp from March 22nd to 24th, 2024. This event, one of the anniversary celebrations of the YMCA, brought together eighteen enthusiastic young individuals, with thirteen from Pamunugama, two from Colombo, and three from Negombo YMCAs, for a transformative experience.

The camp commenced with a warm welcome and registration, followed by an opening prayer led by the youth of Pamunugama YMCA, reflecting on Pentecost Day's significance. Get to know each other session facilitated connections among participants, creating a sense of community.

On 23 rd Morning Mr. Ajith Hadley of Pamunugama YMCA led a session on "Walking with Jesus," drawing inspiration from Luke 24:13-24, exploring the journey from confusion to clarity. Following that session Ridma of Pamunugama YMCA provided insights into the YMCA's Vision and Mission, emphasizing its integration with Christian values. During this session participants had discussions and sharing on Paris Basis as well as the Mission 2030.

During the afternoon session led by Mr. Martin Knorich from Munich YMCA led participants in exploring practical ways of walking with Jesus in day today lives. He offered tips for individual and group Bible reading, empowering attendees to deepen their spiritual journey both individually and in community settings.

After that participants went to the beach and had a nice evening experiencing the God's creation as they had the beautiful sceneries of sunset in the backdrop. Evening sessions included reflective worship, featuring scripture readings from Luke 24:33-49. These sessions were led by various individuals, igniting hearts with faith and passion.

The final day (24 March) commenced with participants joining the Palm Sunday Service, embodying the spirit of devotion and community. Following breakfast, a guest speaker, Mr. Shanthilal Hettiarachchi, delivered an enlightening session on Easter's significance, encouraging attendees to embrace its transformative potential in their daily lives. This session was specially focussed on young people and Easter. 

Then the participants discuss future actions as a unified YMCA family, focusing on collaborative efforts to serve the community. Plans were made for a Mission Camp for children representing YMCAs, initiatives to support a school in meeting its needs, and the development of a youth program addressing issues with a special focus on spirituality.

The "Walking with Jesus" Youth Christian Mission Camp exemplified the YMCA's commitment to fostering spiritual growth and community engagement, empowering young individuals to live out their faith in in practical ways with Jesus. We also make a special thank to Munich YMCA for their financial support to make this camp a reality and Salem YMCA for trying their best to send a delegation even though it did not became a reality due to an unavoidable circumstance.  

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Programme Calendar

  • 27 October, 2015 - Reading Camp at Peralanda
  • 24 October, 2015 - Rover Phase 01 Training
  • 15 October, 2015 - Pre-School Fair
  • 04 October, 2015 - Children's Day
  • 19 September, 2015 - Ape Sindu Patiya Fund Raising Event
  • 12 September, 2015 - Day Camp at Colombo YMCA
  • 24-26 August, 2015 - Scout Camp at Riverstan
  • 31 July, 2015 - Prefects Training Workshop
  • 31 July, 2015 - Pre-School Exhibition
  • 27 June, 2015 - Pre-school Trip