3 Scouts and a leader of Pamunugama YMCA are currently in Norway on an invitation by the Asker YMCA/YWCA Scouts. Shehan Theekshana, Gayan Sachintha and Asshaya Shanith are the Scouts and Nimantha, the president of the YMCA of Pamunugama is leading the scouts.
They arrived on 25th June in Oslo Airport and welcomed by the scout leader Rolf and Andreas (scout). During first few days scouts spent time in an island enjoying the Norwegian culture and nature with scout leaders of Asker YMCA YWCA Scout group.
From 29th June till 07 July, Pamunugama scouts will join the National Jamboree of the YMCA YWCA Scouts in Trondheim along with another 6000 scouts from Norway and worldwide. They are scheduled to return to Sri lanka on 11 July, 2018. This visit was possible thank to the generous and warm invitation and the sponsorship of the Asker YMCA YWCA Scout group. Pamunugama YMCA thank all the scout leaders including Rolf and Pute who worked hard to make this trip a reality. We wish Happy Camping to all the scouts who attend the National Jamboree of the YMCA YWCA Scouts of Norway.