Mr. Ainsley Joseph explaining the Post War situation |
Peace Maker is a special class of Sunnfjord Folk High School in Forde in Norway to train peace builders and Pamunugama YMCA is their local partner in organizing the filed visit. First group of the Peace Maker Class came to Sri Lanka in October, 2017 spend two months. Second group which consists of seven students and their teacher, Ms Dilanka Fernando arrived in Sri Lanka on 17 January 2017. They are scheduled to stay in Sri Lanka till 10 March, 2017.
They started their educational tour with an orientation to the Sri Lankan post war situation with Mr. Ainsley Joseph on 18th January. Then they joined a day camp with the children's club of Pamunugama YMCA on 20 January, 2017.
Currently they are in Jaffna visiting special places and learning about ground situation related to post war situation.
Mr. Nuwan and Dilanka relaxing on the way to Jaffna by train |
Mr. Aruna (Coordinator) guiding students in Jaffna |
Day camp with Kids |
Game of carrom at YMCA |
All enjoyed lunch together |