Opening batch - with two teachers |
"Makalause Dream" School for Specially Abled Students was declared open at the opening ceremony held today (11.05.2018). Opening ceremony was held in the presence of several members and Board Members of the YMCA of Pamunugama, Priest in-charge of Delathura St. Rogus Church and several other invitees. 8 students have signed up with the school to begin with and YMCA expect to extend the services up to 15 students in the initial stage. Two experienced teachers (Sherin and Uththara) are employed to carry out the activities of the school. Y Global of Norway in collaboration with KFUK KFUM Scouts of Bronnoysund extend their support with funding the project.
Priest in-charge of the neighboring church blessed the school |
Education is a right of every human being under the article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and it is included in our constitution as well. Further, it states that the elementary education shall be compulsory and free at fundamental stages. Unfortunately, in the developing world, the situation is not in that line and this precious right is being deprived for many.
When we consider the right to education for children with functional difficulties the situation is worse. According to the latest Sri Lankan government census of the year 2012 the number of people with functional difficulties in Sri Lanka are 1,617,924. By now, the number may have increased considerably.
Treasurer of Pamunugama YMCA lighting the oil-lamp |
Sri Lanka being a developing country facing various economical constrains, the facilities and the opportunities extended to people with functional difficulties remain minimum. In the above context, the “Malkalause Dream School” is an initiative by the YMCA of Pamunugama in collaboration with YMCA/YWCA Scouts of Bronnoysund and Y Global in Norway to ensure the right to education for Specially Abled Students in Sri Lanka. The school situated at no;150 B, Peduru Mawatha, Dalathura in Ja-Ela. While ensuring the right to education, integrating Specially abled students into the society is also a major objective of this initiative.
Activities such as culture, sports and scouting will play a major role in addition to the formal classroom sessions to involve students in the process of social integration. It is also planned to mingle the students with the other children and youth who participate in other regular YMCA activities and events. We all look forward to this novel experience of working with these specially abled children.
Sis. Patrict led with a prayer |
Aruna Nonis explaining the YMCA objectives behind the school |
Mr. Jayamanna, retired teacher explaining the value of education to parents |
Teacher getting to know the students |
Greetings from Bonnoysund YMCA YWCA Makalause Scouts |