Pamunugama YMCA organized a 2 day training programme for the board members and programme leaders from 21-23 July, 2017 at New Holiday Bungalow Diyathalawa. Group arrived at Diyathalawa on 21st evening. Next day started with a morning devotion and followed-up with a Question and answer session which helped the leaders to learn more about YMCA history, vision, mission and responsibilities of a YMCA leader. Next session was about the YMCA identity in our lives. Then the group had a long discussion about local issues in the community where Pamunugama YMCA exists and worked out a plan to response some of the issues. Next day group left Diyathalawa and returned home after having a site-seeing trip to Adisam Bungalow at Haputale.
Programme Calendar
- 27 October, 2015 - Reading Camp at Peralanda
- 24 October, 2015 - Rover Phase 01 Training
- 15 October, 2015 - Pre-School Fair
- 04 October, 2015 - Children's Day
- 19 September, 2015 - Ape Sindu Patiya Fund Raising Event
- 12 September, 2015 - Day Camp at Colombo YMCA
- 24-26 August, 2015 - Scout Camp at Riverstan
- 31 July, 2015 - Prefects Training Workshop
- 31 July, 2015 - Pre-School Exhibition
- 27 June, 2015 - Pre-school Trip