Desperate wife of Maithriratne & doughters |
During the YMCA flood relief visit to Horopothana YMCA of Pamunugama visited several areas in Horopothana to see the damage of recent floods.
Thousands of acres of paddy fields have been totally washed away and people are living in a real plight due to the lost of their livelyhood. Most of the people in Horopothana area are farmers and they are struggling to pay their loans back to banks and several private institution where they took loans for last term's farming activities. Not only the livelihood several hundred people in Horopothana area have lost their houses or partially damaged due to flood.
Family of Maithrirathne is one such family who has been severely effected from flood. Both Maithrirathne and her wife Chanchala are in mid twenties have two daughters aged 9 and 2 years. They all live in a very small house in Maradankadawela village bordered to Horopothana on the way to Trincomalee from Horopothana.
Partially damages house of Mithriratne in the background |
Six acres of paddy fields belong to Maithriratne's family have been washed away and he has invested over Rs 70,000 apart of his and her wife's months of labor dedicated for their farm. Adding more trouble, their small house made of clay has been partially damaged and we found that it is not in a standard for small children to live in as the inside floor of the house is still wet.
This is just one of the cases and there are many more similar situations. We urge our friends from all around the world to contact us if you would like to assist these people at this difficult situation to overcome this very unfortunate situation.
Destroyed houses |
Destroyed paddy fields |