Art exibition and Universal Children’s Day celebrations
One of the paintings |
During group activities |
It was very colorful in the YMCA hall with 287 paintings at the art exibition organized by the YMCA to mark the Universel Children’s day on 16 October, 2010. Programme was started with a introduction to the day by Ranjith Fonseka, General Secretary and followed up with activities and games and activities. Children enjoyed very much the short carrom and badminton tournamets organized for them by the youth club of the YMCA of Pamunugama. Then the lunch was prepared by the YMCA adult leaders from the board and community development programme for all. After the lunch the paintings were exibited and children who painted and some of their parents also came to see the paintings. Best paintings were chosen under 4 age categories and awareded with educational equipments while all those who had paintings were given a participation certificate. There were 55 children 12 parents attended the programme.
Programme Calendar
- 27 October, 2015 - Reading Camp at Peralanda
- 24 October, 2015 - Rover Phase 01 Training
- 15 October, 2015 - Pre-School Fair
- 04 October, 2015 - Children's Day
- 19 September, 2015 - Ape Sindu Patiya Fund Raising Event
- 12 September, 2015 - Day Camp at Colombo YMCA
- 24-26 August, 2015 - Scout Camp at Riverstan
- 31 July, 2015 - Prefects Training Workshop
- 31 July, 2015 - Pre-School Exhibition
- 27 June, 2015 - Pre-school Trip
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