Sunday, April 7, 2024

Annual General Meeting for 2024 held

The 2024 Annual General Meeting of the Pamunugama Young Men's Christian Association convened on April 7th, 2024, at the association's meeting room, with 28 attendees including members, staff, and the advisory council. After an opening reflection led by youth members, reports for the year 2023, including program and audit reports, were approved.

President Danuka Jayamanna, concluding his three-term tenure, expressed gratitude to members and highlighted the association's accomplishments and contributions to national activities. Incoming President Ajith Hettiarachchi pledged to uphold the association's work and thanked memmbers for trusting on him to carry the responsibilities as the new President. The role of Treasurer transitioned from Mr. Jude Hasitha to Mr. Ruwan Chandana, with Mr. Roshan Fernando and Miss Shiney Nonis joining the Board of Directors as new Board Members. 

The association celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2024. The General Secretary provided an update on the ongoing 50th Anniversary Celebrations, highlighting past and upcoming programs. As part of the anniversary celebrations, the assembly joyfully launched the 50th Anniversary Scholarship project by providing 5 new scholarships to Advanced Level students under the Asker Pamunugama Scholarship Fund, supported by the Asker YMCA YWCA Scouts of Norway.

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