Thursday, May 11, 2023

අවුරුදු උළෙල - 2023 - New Year Festival 2023

පමුණුගම තරුණ ක්‍රිස්තියානි සංගමය මඟින් වාර්ෂිකව සංවිධානය කරන ළමා අවුරුදු උළෙල මෙවරත් සංගම් භූමියේදී 2023 මැයි මස 01 වන දින පැවැත්වින. මේ සඳහා සංගමයේ ළමා වැඩසටහන්, පෙර පාසළ සහ මාකලෝසා සිහින පාසලේ සිසුන් මෙන්ම ගම්වාසී දරු දැරියන් 150 ක් පමණ සගභාගී විය. 

දරුවන් සඳහා විවිධ වයස් කාණ්ඩ යටතේ හැන්ද මත දෙහිගෙඩිය ගෙනයාම, කොට්ටාපොර, කණාමුට්ටි බිඳීම, ගෝනි රේස්, අලියාට ඇස තැබීම, ඉඳිකටුවට නූල දැමීම වැනි තරඟ රැසක් සංවිධානය කෙරුණ අතර තරුණ තරුණියන් සහ වැඩිහිටියන් සඳහා බිත්තර ඇල්ලීම, යෝගට් කැවීම, බෝනික්කාට නම තැබීම, සැඟවුන අමුත්තා සෙවීම වැනි විවෘත තරඟ රැසක් ද පැවැත්වින. 

ජයග්‍රාහකයින් හට ත්‍යාග ලබාදුන් අතර සංවිධාන කටයුතු සඳහා තරුණ හවුලේ සහ කාර්යය මණ්ඩලයේ මැදිහත්වීම සහ සහයෝගය ලැබින.

The Youth Club of the YMCA of Pamunugama celebrated the arrival of the New Year by organizing a vibrant and exciting festival on 01 May 2023. The event, held at the YMCA of Pamunugama, brought together children from various backgrounds, including those affiliated with Scouting, Makalause Dream School, Pre-School, as well as village children who do not regularly participate in structured programs.

The New Year Festival featured an array of thrilling games and activities designed to engage and entertain the participating children. Organized under different age categories, these games sparked a spirit of friendly competition and offered an opportunity for the young participants to showcase their skills. Prizes and gifts were awarded to the winners, adding an element of excitement and motivation to the festivities.

Several games stood out as the highlights of the festival, captivating the children's attention and enthusiasm. Carrying a Lime on Spoon, the Pillow Fight, Blind Breaking the Pod, Bag Race, Placing Eye to the Elephant and Needle and Thread were among those games.

The New Year Festival didn't limit the fun to just the children. Open games were organized to ensure that youth and adults could also partake in the festivities and create lasting memories. Catching Egg challenged participants to catch raw eggs without breaking them, Feeding Yogurt became a hilarious game as participants tried to feed each other blindfolded, resulting in lots of laughter and messy faces. These open games provided an opportunity for people of all ages to come together, enjoy the day, and celebrate the spirit of the New Year.

The exciting games and activities ensured that everyone, including youth and adults, had a memorable day filled with fun and laughter. The event served as a testament to the YMCA's commitment to the holistic development and well-being of the community's youth, showcasing the power of collective celebration and inclusion. The New Year Festival will remain a cherished memory for all those who participated and an inspiration for future community events. Event was organized by the Youth Club of the YMCA of Pamunugama.

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