Sunday, June 7, 2020

A deep bond between two groups that extended beyond a relief programme.

The YMCA of Pamunugama has been working with the people of Gomarankadawala in the Eastern Province and Horowpothana in the North Central Province for about 15 years. During this period, YMCA was able to engage in various social activities and programmes in support education of children, agriculture programmes of farmers, as well as helping in disaster situations such as floods and droughts.

Ven. Welimavapatane Piyarathana Thero and Ven. Galkadawalawela Sumanasara Thero gave leadership to their people with their full involvement and guidance. In a way, it is a partnership between people in Pamunugama (South) , Gomarankadawala (East) and Horowpothana(North Central). The members of Pamunugama YMCA visited these areas while they to came to Pamunugama in several occasions .

As a gratitude to the services provided by the YMCA to the people in Gomarankadawela and Horowpothana, these Theros  came to Pamunugama YMCA last week  with a lorry load of rice for the Pamunugama YMCA COVID-19 Relief Programme.
During the war, Gomarankadawala was considered as border village. People in these areas lived with great fear and uncertainty due to the intermittent clashes. They underwent tremendous sufferings as they were not able to manage their daily farming and other livelihood activities etc. Pamunugama YMCA came forward to offer a wide range of relief programmes for the people who were terribly suffering from severe economic hardships and this partnership also gave both the communities the opportunity of participating in various human exchange programmes. It created a deep bond between two groups that extended beyond a relief programme.

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