Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Local Youth Explore about Palestine - Israel Conflict

With the rising attacks on Gaza the number of civilian causalities has risen to an alarming level. Specially the children and women are being the main victims of the devastated bombing into all kinds of buildings in Gaza by the Israel forces while the Israel complains on Hammas attacks shelling. Being the YMCA youth group, who has friends and partners in Palestine, it is hard to imagine our response in this situation.

Youth in Pamunugama YMCA organized a two day workshop to learn about the current situation as well as the root courses for this long lasting conflict. Programme was held from 25 - 27 July, 2014 at Green Bank Dungalpitiya with a participation over 20 youth. 

Programme started with a biblical sharing which clearly showed, both communities has been inhabitants of the particular land. During the programme participants were able to gather information and knowledge on the history of the conflict which goes way back. Pamunugama YMCA youth member Priyan who has been a Young Peace Performer conducted a elaborated presentation to the history of the conflict as well as  latest dynamics such as wall, settlements, detention taking place with in the Palestinian lands. 

There were two live skype meetings with two of the Young Palestinians. Participants had number of questions for these two youth where they explained the current ground situation as well as the need for an international intervention to stop ongoing killing and attacks in Palestine.

Then Mr. Ainsley Joseph, the chairman of the Justice and Peace Committee of the National Council joined the youth group to lead a discussion to compare the similarities between the situation in Palestine annd Sri Lanka. He shared important information on  the reconciliation process in Sri Lanka and he requested the young people to be awareness on these types of sensitive national matters.

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