Friday, September 20, 2013

Training for Pamunugama members on Resource Mobilization

Jessica Sharing her experiences from North America
YMCA is a none profit organization. It will only remains as long as the community around the YMCA need it. YMCA to become a useful place for the community it need to provide the society with good things. To provide good things members of the YMCA has a great responsibility of organizing and conducting events. In this connection mobilizing resources is very much important for the YMCA. Ms Jesssica Rawn (Volunteer Consultant for Resource Mobilization) and Ms Eloisa Borreo (Executive Secretary of APAY) visited the YMCA of Pamunugama on 18 & 19 September, 2013 to train the Pamunugama YMCA members on resource mobilization.

During the training Ms Jessica shared the principals and concepts they use in North America related to Resource Mobilization and Fund Raising. Entire training was based on developing a culture of Philanthropy starting from the existing board members and the members of the YMCA. 
Practicing to meet potential doners

Meanwhile this training led the group to identify a case to start with the first fund raising campaign based on the learning. Group decided to raise funds to develop Children's Development Programmes of the YMCA under the theme of "Punch Apita Aluth Lowak" which means A new World for Little Us. Group were able to raise Rs 24,500 within the group attended for the training with the support of the trainers who attended the event.

Mr. Charith De Silva and Miss Hasika from National Council of the YMCA of the YMCAs of Sri Lanka also attended the event. We thank all the members those who attended the event and the National Council. We would like to extend a special thank to the trainers and the APAY for selecting Pamunugama YMCA for this training. 

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