Monday, August 12, 2013

YMCA of Pamunugama visit to Horowpothana

Ridma and Shelton visited Horowpathana on 06 - 07 August 2013. During their visit they met with the families whom are selected for the YMCA support to re-build their houses damaged due to flood. 8 families have been selected for house repairing support and the work is undergoing at the moment. 

Second motive of the visit was to meet with the beneficiaries of the Life Agree Culture Project. Ridma and Shelton had a meeting with the beneficiaries to find out the work done in the past and to formalize the group work. All the families (25) have prepared their lands for home gardening and soon they will start growing vegetables and other kinds of fruits using organic fertilizers.s  Beneficiaries are to start savings and they are planing another training on sustainable farming methods with in next two weeks. As the next step of the project, beneficiaries will be provided with seeds and equipment that they need for home gardening.
House belong to Silawathi - Work has been started
Meeting with the Life Agriculture Project beneficiaries 
Meeting with the Life Agriculture Project Leaders Group

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