Friday, November 9, 2012

Visit of ICY friends and Asker Scout from Norway

At the village in East
ICY Exchange Programme is an annual event of the ICY group of the YMCA of Pamunugama. YMCA Pamunugama jointly conduct this programme with the ICY group of Oslo with the financial support of the Norwegian Children and Youth Council (LNU). 

Four Norwegian youth including three girls representing ICY Oslo (Lisa-Marie, Mathilde, Ingvild) and a boy representing the YMCA YWCA Scout group of Asker (Stian) visited Sri Lanka from 22 October - 01 November, 2012. During their stay group visited and spent a day at a village in the Eastern Province where YMCA of Pamunugama has a programme center. Norwegian youth visited the YMCA cooperative farm and they got the opportunity to talk with the people of the village and to experience their day-today life.

On a tractor at the YMCA farm (Photo : Lisa-Marie)
From the farm youth continued their tour to Kandy where they visited the Dalada Maligawa which is a main tourist attraction. From their the group extended the tour to Wasgamuwa to join with other YMCA youth from Sri Lankan to attended the ICY International Seminar.

Before the departure the ICY group visited Colombo and met the National General Secretary of the National Council of the YMCAs of Sri Lanka (NCYSL) at the NCYSL office. Before the ICY Oslo group left they hosted a dinner for the YMCA of Pamunugama friends and had a evaluation meeting. It has been a great pleasure for the YMCA of Pamunugama to hosts visitors from partner groups and according to visitors, they were happy with what they have learn about Sri Lanka and the Environmental Justice which is the theme for the ICY programme for the year 2012.
Celebrating birthday far away from home(Photo : Lisa-Marie)

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