Sunday, May 26, 2024

Celebrating Vesak at YMCA Pamunugama

On May 25, 2024, the YMCA of Pamunugama Pre School hosted a delightful Children's Vesak Zone at its pre-school premises. This event introduced pre-schoolers to the wonder and meaning of the Vesak festival.

The Vesak Zoon featured beautiful Vesak lanterns and decorations crafted by the children and teachers. Highlights of the day included a Vesak drama, Vesak Song singing and a digital pantheon presentation. The event was well-attended by parents and several YMCA members.

The YMCA youth club assisted the pre school in the preparations, contributing to the success of the event. To conclude the celebration, a traditional Vesak dansala was held, with coffee and sinisambal bread distributed to all participants.

The Children's Vesak Zone was a memorable and educational experience, fostering a sense of community and cultural appreciation among the young children and their families.

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