Tuesday, July 23, 2019

A day to remember - Trip with Makalause Dream School

At the Elephant orphanage
13 specially abled students of the YMCA Makalause Dream School went on a day trip to Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage, Pinnawala Zoo and Botanical Garden in Peradeniya on 20 July, 2019.

Students were accompanied by their parents, two teachers, several YMCA leaders and 16 Scouts and Guides of the YMCA. During the trip scouts and guides spend the day with Makalause Students sharing love and joy. It was very encouraging to see how the students of the Makalause Dream School got engaged with the scouts during the trip as they had to assist each other and share different abilities. 

It was a great experience to see the elephant bathing at the river close to the Elephant orphanage for all who joined the trip. Then they saw number of animals including leopard, bear, crocodiles, deer and etc. Final destination of the trip was the botanical garden where they walked around the garden and enjoyed various types of trees and flowers.
Feeling good together

On the way

Sharing abilities enjoying together

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