Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Kubb unites people and brings peace on earth

Peter and Nilla a couple who are very passionate about the Game of Kubb from Sweden visited Pamunugama YMCA on 10 February, 2019. Both Nilla and Peter are professional Kubb players who play Kubb at competitive level both in Sweden and internationally. They have played the world Kubb championship several times. Peter and Nilla were in Sri Lanka for two weeks as tourists and visited Pamunugama on the day prior to their departure. 

Kubb was introduced in 2015 in Sri Lanka by the YMCA of Pamunugama. It's been played often by youth and children in the YMCA. During the visit Peter and Nilla played several friendly games with Pamunugama youth and children. They also taught the championship rules and gave several tips to improve the playing standards of Pamunugama YMCA Kubb players.

This visit was a great example to the meaning behind its international motto which is "Kubb unites people and brings peace on earth".


Monday, February 4, 2019

Independence Day Celebrations!

Parallel to the Sri Lankan Independence Day Celebrations YMCA of Pamunugama organized a Day Camp for children of the YMCA. Day started with hoisting the National Flag by the President of YMCA of Pamunugama and followed with a presentation on the history of Sri Lankan National Day by Chamodi (staff). 

Youth of the YMCA of Pamunugama facilitated the programme and organized number of activities and games. Children also went to the adjoining village to play the game "Treasure Hunt". In the afternoon the students attached to the Peace Maker Class of the Sunnfjord Folk High School joined the programme to conduct a training on First Aid.

Later in the afternoon kids played Kubb and joined a campfire which concluded the day's activities. 35 children representing Scout group, Guide Group and Makalause Dream School attended the programme and 8 youth leaders with 5 staff facilitated the event.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Asker Pamunugama Friendship Badge

Pamunugama scouts are currently working on the Asker Pamunugama Friemdship Badge. 

To achieve this badge scouts have to make a presentation on Norway and to write a letter to the the Friendship Scout Group in Asker, Norway. This badge was initiated by the Asker Scouts to strengthen the partnership between Asker YMCA YWCA Scouts and Pamunugama Scouts. 

Friendship between Asker and Pamunugama has a hostory of over 15 years and both groups have visited each other number of times during this period.