Thursday, December 27, 2018

Year End Christmas Get-togethers

Children with gifts they received from Australia
Both adult and Child members had their year end Christmas get-togethers on 23. 12. 2018 at the YMCA premises.

35 Children attached to the YMCA Children's Programmes had their get-together in the morning where they had snacks and fun games. They also danced and sang carols together. YMCA also arranged gifts for each children in the Children's Club. As in past several years a Christian Group led by Ms. S. Niles sponsored for the gifts by sending them all the way from Australia. 

Later in the evening other members had their get-together with a B.B.Q. dinner. They also enjoyed the evening by singing carols, dancing and taking part in fun games. There were 35 members took part in the event.

Patrol leaders made the Crib

Patrol leaders of the YMCA of Pamunugama Scout Group made the crib together on 20th December, 2018. 8 patrol leaders and vice leaders joined the activity. Preparing the crib is an annual activity of the YMCA Children's Club.

YMCA children on carol tour around the villege

30 Children attached to the YMCA Children's Programmes visited houses in the village while singing Christmas carols on 21 December, 2018. They also performed the birth of  Jesus Christ in Jerusalem and shared the good news of the arrival of Prince of Peace. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Relationship Building Programme for Parents of Makalause Dream School Students

Makalause Dream School organised a workshop for parents on 19 December, 2018 at the school premises in Delathura. Objective of this event was to get to know the parents and strengthening the relationship and partnership between the parents and the school. 

Mr. Dileepa Wanniarachchi, a motivational trainer of Born to Win Relationships institute and Aruna Nonis, the Chairman of Makalause Drema School Task Committee facilitated the discussion. During the meeting, parents shared their experiences with their children with special needs. They also mentioned number of challenges they face and discuss the possibilities of overcoming challenges by being open minded and tactful. Parents expressed their gratitude to the YMCA for running the school in collaboration with Y Global and Bronnoysund Scouts assured their support in every possible ways. 13 parents attended the programme.

Holiday Camp

YMCA of Pamunugama organized a holiday camp for the students of "Makalause Dream" School for Specially Abled Students and Guides/Scouts of Pamunugama YMCA. 20 Scouts and Guides of Pamunugama was joined by 13 students of Makalause Dream School for this camp led by the youth and Scout Leaders of Pamunugama YMCA. Children lived in tents during these two days and participated in different camping activities such as coking, games, singing and campfire. 

This was a very novel experience for Pamunugama YMCA as it is the first time where YMCA organized a camp for scouts and guides together with the students of Malalause Dream School. Children enjoyed the camp held from 17, 19 December 2019 at YMCA premises.   

Monday, December 10, 2018

Pamunugama YMCA children display their talents on stage at Annual Concert

Annual Concert of the YMCA of Pamunugama was held on 9th December, 2018 in the YMCA Main Hall. Over 60 children attached to the Pre School, Children's Club, Scout Group, Guides Group and Makalause Dream School (YMCA School for Specially Abled Children) displayed their talents through 24 items including dances and dramas. This is one of the major annual event of Pamunugama YMCA where children prepare for several months.

S.I Marasinghe, Officer in-charge of the Crime Section of Dungalpitiya Police Station graced the event as the chief guest along with another two officers attached to Community Police Unit. Addressing the crowd chief guest highly rated the talents of the children of Pamunugama YMCA and appreciated the work of the teachers and YMCA Pamunugama for the children and community. 

There was an audience over 250 including YMCA members and invitees to witness the show. YMCA Pamunugama appreciate the commitment of the teachers, staff and parents for their wonderful contribution to put up this show together.
Lighting of the lamp

Welcome dance

Dance by junior Guides
Dance by Makalause Dream School

Teachers of Pre School and Makalause Dream School performing

Drama by Scouts