Monday, May 14, 2018

"Ocean in a Drop" Refresher Programme

Professional Youth Worker's Association (PYWA) organized a refresher programme for the youth workers who followed the Commonwealth Youth Worker's Training Programme "Ocean in a Drop" on 10th and 11 May, 2018 at Sri Lanka Foundation Institute. 

Ridma Fonseka also participated the programme which was held in corporation with the National Youth Council and the Communitiny youth collective in India. "Ocean in a Drop" is a very well designed programme to train professional youth workers. This programme is accepted by the Commonwealth and currently working with different countries to mainstream the training among local institutions and organizations. YMCA of Pamunugama would like to assist any organization, fellow YMCAs who would like to get access to this training. 

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Pamunugama YMCA Scouts had their weekly meeting in the Negombo Lagoon on 12 May, 2018. During the meeting they had water activities and learnt about the lagoon environment. There were 18 scouts attended the meeting along with Dhanuka, Ridma and Ilain.

With the new leadership of Danuka scouts are planing to conduct number of activities in the future and to mainstream the programme with the YMCA day-today work. 

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Nimantha becomes the Vice President of NCYSL

Despite the resistance of few individuals who always oppose uprising of young leadership in the National Level, Nimantha Harsha of Pamunugama YMCA was elected as the New Youth Vice President of the National Council of the YMCAs of Sri Lanka at its 53rd Anual General meeting held at Riverdale Hotel in Kandy. Pamunugama YMCA wish Nimantha all the best and assure fullest corporation in upholding his duties.

ENVEST Sri Lanka

Empowering Young Voices Through Education Sports Training (ENVEST) is an initiative of the Northern Illinois University (NIU) in Dekalb in Chicago, USA. Pamunugama YMCA consider the opportunity as a great privilege to be selected as one of the partners of NIU in the initiative among two other groups in Sri Lanka and one in Maldives.  Initial training for the project partners were held from 22 May - 29 May, 2018 in the NIU with a participation of 25 young people including 6 leaders representing the selected groups. 

Training was designed to educate participants on:
1. Youth Development and Teaching Life Skills;
2. Sports Skills Introduction;
3. Participatory Coaching Strategies;
4. Personal and Social Change Through Sports.

Participants also had the opportunity to visit sports facilities in the NIU and to participate in several activities and training programmes with the students of the NIU and 2 schools including one high School in the area. Visiting a boxing club, visiting and participating in archery with the archery club of NIU, teaching Cricket to US students, learning soft ball and watching a inter university match were among some of the activities. At the end of the training, all the groups worked on a action plan which will be fallowed-up together with the NIU team in coming months. Group of trainers who conducted the programme are scheduled to visit Sri Lanka in August 2018 to follow-up the partnership. YMCA of Pamunugama thank NIU for selecting the YMCA of Pamunugama as a partner as well as their corporation and understanding with Pamunugama YMCA.
Visit to a School Girl's Boxing Club

Visit to Sports Facilities in NIU

Visit to the Aurora High School

Inter University Soft Ball match

Award Ceremony