Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Pamunugama YMCA children go door to door with Christmas Messege

Children members of Pamunugama YMCA visited homes in the village singing Christmas Carols on 21 December, 2017. They also brought gifts to the children those who live in the homes visited.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Pamunugama YMCA Annual Children Concert held colorfully

Arrival of Chief guests
Year End Children concert is an annual event of Pamunugama YMCA where the children members and Pre-school kids of Pamunugama YMCA perform their talents in front of the relatives, invitees, villagers on the Pamunugama YMCA Main Hall stage. 

This year the event was held on 11 December with a participation of over 200 of audience. During the two hour concert, Pre-school school kids performed number of dancing and acts while the children;s club, Girl guides and scouts also performed several dancing acts and a drama. Carols also were sung by the Guides and scouts during the concert. 

Mr. Nirmal De Fonseka who is the President of the National Council of YMCAs of Sri Lanka (NCYSL) and Mr. Charles Brownson who is the National General Secretary of NCYSL were the chief guests for the event. This is the first official visit of both Mr. Fonseka and Mr. Brownson since their appointments to their positions. 

Pamunugama YMCA thank all the parents, members, National Council of YMCAs of Sri Lanka, youth and children's club members for their tremendous contribution to make the Annual Concert 2016 a success.

Mr. Nirmal and Mr. Brownson enjoying the show

Address by the Chief Guest

For more pictures please click on the link