Sunday, October 26, 2014

Drama Workshop - New Drama Group formed

25 children from the Children's Club, Girl Guides Group and the Scout Group attended a drama workshop held in the YMCA on 26 October, 2014.

Workshop was organized by the YMCA of Pamunugama with an objective of forming a new drama group. Workshop was conducted by Weranga Mendis who is a street drama artist from one of the popular street drama groups in the country. Weranga was supported by Pamunugama youth (NIrmala & Sudeepi) and Sudesh Mendis from Moratuwa.

Workshop was held through out the day and the children were trained through practical sessions and at the end the group was formed where they will have regular trainings in future.

Guides pitch tents on YMCA grounds – 3 Day Camp

15 Guides from the Negombo Zonal had a 3 day Guides Camp at the YMCA of Pamunugama from 17 – 20 October, 2014. There were 5 Guides from Pamunugama YMCA Girl Guides group and the others represented 2 schools in the Negombo Zonal.

During the Camp guides joined various camping activities where they pitched tents, cooked, built gadgets and showed their talents at the campfire.

Mrs Tiris from the Girl Guides Association was the Camp leader while the campers were trained by Sister Mary Patricia who is the Zonal Commissioner for Negombo.

Eating together
Pamunugama Guides


Outdoor Cooking

Guiding routines

Drama at Campfire

Friday, October 17, 2014

Vegetable fair raises funds for the Christmas Concert

Pre School kids yesterday (16. 10. 2014) sold vegetables at a fair organized by them with the support of the teachers and the parents.

Fair was organized to raise funds for the Annual Christmas Concert which is to be held during the month of December. This event is annually organized for the same objective.

Children from all departments including, Pre School, Girl Guides and Children's Club have started preparing for their performances.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

YMCA of Pamunugama celebrates the Universal Children's Day and the visit of Bronoysund Friends

Started with hosting the national flag
Child members of the YMCA of Pamunugama representing the Children's Club and the Girl Guides Group celebrated the Universal Children's Day (official day falls on 01 Sep) on 08 September, 2014 at the YMCA of Pamunugama.

Children started the proceedings with hosting the National Flag. And then Aruna Shantha, a senior YMCA member addressed the children on the day.

Following the formal celebrations, children joined with a friendly volleyball tournament. Boys and girls had mixed teams and they played in four groups. Volleyball matches were full of enthusiasm, fun, courage, and team spirit.

Following the Universal Children's Day programme Pamunugama YMCA had a visit from the friendship scout group from Bronnoysund. There were 12 scouts and 3 scout leaders from Moratuwa visited Pamunugama and joined with a lunch hosted by Pamunugama YMCA. Bronnoysund Scout group is known to Pamunugama YMCA for over a decade as a friendship group.

Most importantly entire day was organized by the children of the YMCA of Pamunugama with full backing from the youth leaders. 
Aruna Shantha Addressing children on the day

Few thoughts for the next game

Encouragement from a fellow team mate
Supper Commentator
Friends from Bronnoysund Enjoying lunch at Pamunugama YMCA

Friday, October 3, 2014

5 Guides in Received Blue Sash

Five guides of the YMCA of Pamunugama Girls Guide Group received the Blue Sash which is a important land mark in their Guiding carrier. Guides prepared for this special event for last six month where they had to go through various tests and tasks. 

After completed all the tasks and assignments they received the Blue Sash on 02 October, 2014. Blue Sash giving away function was held at "Asirimath Deva Matha School in Negombo. Sister Mary Patricia the Provincial Commissioner awareded the sashes to the Guides. Next task for these guides will be the president's award.!

Pamunugama YMCA Guides receiving the sash

Pamunugama Guides with guides from other schools in Negombo

Guides who received the sash with Pamunugama leader Sudeepika
and Sister Mary Patricia (Provincial Commissioner)

Scouting back to Pamunugama with a day camp with Girl Guides.!

Happy bunch
Boys who have shown interest in Scouting joined the active Girl Guides of the YMCA of Pamunugama with a one camp at the YMCA of Pamunugama on Saturday 27 September, 2014.

Three scouts from the Global Friendship Programme also joined with the children to introduce scouting to the Children. These four three consisted of two Scouts from Bronnoysund YMCA YWCA Scout Group in Norway and a scout Jaffna.

Day started with a regular Children's club meeting and followed-up with the garden beautifying project where children planted plants in the YMCA premises. Then children had lunch in the YMCA and later started with a scouting introduction session.

At the end children had a tallentshow where they preformed in groups. All and all it was a day with a lot of fun and knowledge for those who attended.
Started with the Children's Club Meeting

Played indoor and outdoor games

Decorated the garden with new plants

Showing off talents at the end of the programme