Monday, December 20, 2010

Development work continues in the East!

During the school programme
Group of YMCA leaders including President Shelton Peiris, General Secretary Ranjith Fonseka and few youth leaders visited Gomarankadawela area from 08 to 10 November to monitor the ongoing development work and to conduct a awareness building programme for the children and parents of the Kiwulekada School.

Kids in Kivulkada school
Programme in the school was held on Tuesday 09. Nov, 2010 and children from grade 1 to 6 and 7 to 10 were taken as two separate groups. Mr. Ranasinghe (Sociologist) educated the students on understanding the meaning of education for life using stories, real situations and short films.In between the educational sessions the students were made to understand the first step in scouting through games, songs and group activities by the YMCA of Pamunugama Youth Scout leaders Shamalka and Asela. The parents were involved in the same programme conducted for the students – of course by using the adult educational methods in the afternoon. The parents were cautioned in guiding their children in education while giving them the kind of protection they need – especially in the present society corrupted in so many ways.
Meeting with the villagers
Following the programme YMCA delegates had a meeting with the school principal and the efforts of the YMCA in helping the school were appreciated and the need to arrange for similar programmes was identified. Both parties agreed to train the students in scouting and two day scout camp will be organised during the school holidays. Furthere discussed on the continuation of after-school classes for the students facing the Ordinary level Examination (Science and Maths).
In the evening group visited Rev. SumanasaraThero who is always advising and assisting the YMCA. He thanked the YMCA for its programmes in the area and assured his support in all matters.
Edirisinghe - Project field officer
On Wednesday 10.11.2010 the group visited the Agricultural programme by the YMCA for war affected families in Ottachchakulam.So far 17 acres have been cultivated with Green grams, Undu, Mustard, Pea Nuts, Chillies and vegetables. After visiting the work done so far a meeting was organized to talk with the project involved parties. Mr. Ranasinghe (Sociologist) explained how the multi national companies are exploiting the poor farmers through pesticide, fertiliser and seed production and value of using the traditional methods in agriculture. He further educated the villagers how the pesticide and chemicals used in agriculture causing health problems such as cancer, kidney infections, child and woman diseases. Further discussions led the group to take decisions such as Introducing compost system in cultivation (Organic), Collecting cow-dung and cultivation of Ginisiriya trees, Allocate 12 acres for the co-op youth farm, Start construction work on village centre and Continue Group activities and savings. On 11 Thursday group retured home to Pamunugama after completing a successfull visit and many thoughts for further action.